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We Buy Land

The Alpine Homes land acqui­si­tion team has many years of expe­ri­ence devot­ed to work­ing with land own­ers, devel­op­ers and real estate pro­fes­sion­als pur­chas­ing and devel­op­ing land. By work­ing with an expe­ri­enced land acqui­si­tion and devel­op­ment team, a prop­er­ty own­er can ben­e­fit from a time­ly finan­cial return and the knowl­edge a high qual­i­ty neigh­bor­hood will be devel­oped for future homeowners.

We can help you deter­mine the val­ue of your land. This is a ser­vice we pro­vide with no oblig­a­tion in order to show you how the process works and how we can ben­e­fit each oth­er. Let us show you how we can help you max­i­mize the poten­tial of your land.

For land oppor­tu­ni­ties in Salt Lake, Utah, and Davis coun­ties please contact:

Austin Richards
8019383753 (direct)

Contact us

Where Alpine Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
AF Crossings American Fork mid $600s
Storrs Court American Fork Coming Soon
Ivie Meadows Clearfield Coming Soon
Mardam Ranch Herriman Coming Soon
Ridgeview Highland high $600s
Dry Creek Heights Lehi Sold Out
Songbird Cove Lindon mid $600s
Mapleton Heights Mapleton high $600s
Sunview Provo high $600s
Highgate Cove Roy mid $400s
Catalina Bay at Secret Springs Saratoga Springs high $600s
Shelly Acres Subdivision Spanish Fork Coming Soon
GT Estates Taylorsville low $700s

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