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Trin­na­man Farms mod­el home grand open­ing this Saturday

You are invit­ed to tour the new­ly fin­ished Trin­na­man Farms mod­el home on Feb­ru­ary 10th from 11am to 2pm.

Enjoy com­pli­men­ta­ry Crum­bl cook­ies and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to win two Utah Jazz tick­ets plus a $300 gift card to Ruth Chris Steak House, com­pli­ments of Bri­an Evans with Guar­an­teed Rate!*

The stun­ning, all-black farm­house mod­el home is some­thing to see. It fea­tures the Maple plan, a mar­velous home with a stan­dard 3‑car garage, 2‑story great room, and pri­ma­ry suite on the main floor.

The Trin­na­man Farms neigh­bor­hood is mere min­utes south from the Lehi Tech Cor­ri­dor, the Out­lets at Tra­verse, enter­tain­ment at Thanks­giv­ing Point, and adven­tures in Amer­i­can Fork Canyon.

Dis­cov­er the incred­i­ble floor plans and stan­dard fea­tures of Trin­na­man Farms this Saturday!

With just 10 homes remain­ing, Trin­na­man Farms will sell out quickly. 

Con­tact Wendy for more details today.

Wendy Mortensen
Mas­ters Utah Real Estate

*Valid only for guests who vis­it the Trin­na­man Farms mod­el home on 2/10/24 dur­ing event hours and reg­is­ter with our sales team pro­vid­ing a name, email, and phone num­ber. Entry is lim­it­ed to one per house­hold. Alpine Homes, LLC dis­claims any express or implied war­ran­ty regard­ing tick­ets and gift card. The win­ner will be announced Mon­day, 2/12/23 through email and social media.

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