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Spring Run grand open­ing July 29th

This Sat­ur­day, July 29th, you are invit­ed to a first look at the Spring Run, Red­wood plan, mod­el home. 

Join us from 11 am to 2 pm to tour the neigh­bor­hood, enjoy some Crum­bl cook­ies, enter for an oppor­tu­ni­ty to win a sur­prise give­away*, and day­dream about your future home!

Spring Run is ide­al for any­one who prefers some sep­a­ra­tion from the hus­tle and bus­tle yet desires quick access to main high­ways for an easy com­mute. The Lehi Tech Cor­ri­dor is a 15-minute dri­ve away, while the main shop­ping cen­ters in Sarato­ga Springs are just half of that. Choose from a hand­ful of avail­able floor plans to build on 1 of 10 spa­cious home sites, most sit­ting in a cul-de-sac and each with majes­tic bench views.

Jake Graves
Real­ty­path South Val­ley

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Neighborhood City Priced from
AF Crossings American Fork mid $600s
Storrs Court American Fork Coming Soon
Ivie Meadows Clearfield Coming Soon
Mardam Ranch Herriman $800s
Ridgeview Highland high $600s
Dry Creek Heights Lehi Sold Out
Songbird Cove Lindon mid $600s
Mapleton Heights Mapleton high $600s
Sunview Provo high $600s
Highgate Cove Roy mid $400s
Catalina Bay at Secret Springs Saratoga Springs high $600s
Shelly Acres Subdivision Spanish Fork Coming Soon

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