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We’re hir­ing a Land Depart­ment Coordinator

This full time, salaried, exempt posi­tion, report­ing to the Land Acqui­si­tion Man­ag­er, will oper­ate in the space between land parcels being removed from fea­si­bil­i­ty and sub­se­quent­ly being deliv­ered to the Con­struc­tion Depart­ment for ver­ti­cal (new home) con­struc­tion. Ini­tial respon­si­bil­i­ties will include:

  • Assem­bling financ­ing packages
  • Track­ing the sta­tus of var­i­ous required bonds and refund­able deposits
  • Com­pil­ing land acqui­si­tion financ­ing packages
  • Man­ag­ing, orga­niz­ing, and main­tain­ing Alpine Homes’ land fold­ers and spreadsheets
  • Assist­ing the Land Acqui­si­tion Man­ag­er in prospect­ing efforts
  • Assist­ing the Land Acqui­si­tion Man­ag­er in devel­op­ing land relat­ed budgets
  • Assist­ing the Land Acqui­si­tion Man­ag­er in assem­bling need­ed infor­ma­tion for fea­si­bil­i­ty presentations
  • Learn­ing how to, and ulti­mate­ly con­duct­ing lot inspections
  • Assist­ing the Land Acqui­si­tion Man­ag­er resolv­ing per­mit­ting and cer­tifi­cate of occu­pan­cy mat­ters that arise after lot clos­ing or completion
  • Prepar­ing dis­clo­sure meet­ing documents
  • Coor­di­nat­ing and fol­low­ing up on var­i­ous post-clos­ing items such as escrow hold­backs, mail­box­es, street lights, or small sub­di­vi­sion repairs in new projects
  • Man­ag­ing HOA set-up, super­vi­sion, and even­tu­al turnover to res­i­dents for new and exist­ing projects
  • Coor­di­nat­ing CC&R doc­u­ments for new and exist­ing projects

Our ide­al can­di­dates are recent college/​university grad­u­ates excit­ed about res­i­den­tial real estate acqui­si­tion, devel­op­ment, and construction. 

We require a ratio­nal, calm per­son with superb ver­bal and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Some work expe­ri­ence and/​or expo­sure to real estate sales and the con­struc­tion trades is help­ful. We can train an indi­vid­ual on the posi­tion’s need­ed spe­cif­ic knowledge. 

You will spend about 25% of your time in the field; so, you must have a reli­able vehi­cle, a valid driver’s license and proof of auto insurance.

Our posi­tion offers a com­pet­i­tive salary, dis­cre­tionary bonus oppor­tu­ni­ty, and gas, auto, and phone cash allowances. 

If you are inter­est­ed in this posi­tion, send your resume along with a cov­er page sum­ma­riz­ing why you would be suc­cess­ful in the job duties list­ed above along with your salary expec­ta­tions to jobs@​alpinehomes.​com.

We’d love to have you on our team!

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Where Alpine Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
AF Crossings American Forkl Coming Soon
Rasmussen Farms Draper low $700s
Brylee Farms Eagle Mountain low $500s
Mardam Ranch Herriman Coming Soon
Val Johnson Subdivision Herriman high $700s
Ridgeview Highland Coming Soon
Dry Creek Heights Lehi high $800s
Trinnaman Farms Lehi high $700s
Songbird Cove Lindon mid $600s
Mapleton Heights Mapleton high $600s
Sunview Provo Coming Soon
Highgate Cove Roy Coming Soon
Catalina Bay at Secret Springs Saratoga Springs high $600s
Secret Springs Saratoga Springs high $600s
GT Estates Taylorsville mid $600s

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