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Now sell­ing Lex­ing­ton Green phase 2 in Sarato­ga Springs

Start­ing tomor­row, Sat­ur­day, April 30, offers will be accept­ed on home site 193 at Lex­ing­ton Green! This home fea­tures the Red­wood plan and fea­tures a pri­vate home office, bonus loft, spa­cious pri­ma­ry suite, plus three addi­tion­al bed­rooms. The exte­ri­or of this home is a stun­ning white farm­house ele­va­tion with wood-wrapped columns, black front win­dows, and black garages. Fur­ther upgrades include a 3‑car garage, can­tilevered fire­place with built-in shelv­ing, and upgrad­ed stain­less steel appli­ances.

Lex­ing­ton Green is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed close to schools, shop­ping, and oth­er enter­tain­ment venues. There are also a hand­ful of planned com­mu­ni­ty ameni­ties includ­ing a park, pavil­ion, and plen­ty of open space! Lex­ing­ton Green offers incred­i­ble com­mu­ni­ty stan­dards such as 9‑foot ceil­ings on main floors, design­er-grade floor­ing, quartz coun­ter­tops, and shak­er-style cab­i­netry. The major­i­ty of the homes will also pro­vide a soli­tude-inspired pri­vate office space. Home offices fea­ture acoustic wall insu­la­tion to reduce sound trans­fer, sol­id core door(s) with an ele­gant glass pan­el, can light­ing, and hard sur­face floor­ing.

With the numer­ous ele­vat­ed stan­dards and incred­i­ble views in this area, we can’t wait for you to see Lex­ing­ton Green. Con­tact Wendy today to learn more about start­ing your life in Lex­ing­ton Green.

Wendy Mortensen
RE/MAX Mas­ters

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