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Dry­wood Mead­ows com­ing this win­ter to Sarato­ga Springs

Dry­wood Mead­ows, a new com­mu­ni­ty locat­ed on the bor­der of Lehi and Sarato­ga Springs, is com­ing this win­ter. New homes will fea­ture 3 – 4 bed­rooms, and each offers a home office, walk­out base­ment, a flex­i­ble loft space, and a three-car garage. Home sites range from 0.230.26 acres.

You know what they always say — Loca­tion, Loca­tion, Loca­tion! Dry­wood Mead­ows is con­ve­nient­ly sit­u­at­ed off of Pio­neer Cross­ing allow­ing for quick access to shop­ping, enter­tain­ment, and schools. If recre­ation­al activ­i­ties are more your speed, Dry­wood Mead­ows is nes­tled close to the north shore of Utah Lake and bike trails, parks, and sports fields are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble.

With only 18 home site avail­able, Dry­wood Mead­ows is antic­i­pat­ed to sell quick­ly! Join our inter­est list today to be the first to learn about liv­ing in this beau­ti­ful new community.

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Where Alpine Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
AF Crossings American Fork mid $600s
Storrs Court American Fork Coming Soon
Ivie Meadows Clearfield Coming Soon
Mardam Ranch Herriman $800s
Ridgeview Highland high $600s
Dry Creek Heights Lehi Sold Out
Songbird Cove Lindon mid $600s
Mapleton Heights Mapleton high $600s
Sunview Provo high $600s
Highgate Cove Roy mid $400s
Catalina Bay at Secret Springs Saratoga Springs high $600s
Shelly Acres Subdivision Spanish Fork Coming Soon

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