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Alpine Homes is hiring!

We are seek­ing a War­ran­ty Depart­ment Assis­tant for our South Jor­dan, Utah office. In this entry lev­el, full-time posi­tion, the select­ed can­di­date will work with Alpine Homes’ home­own­ers to: 

  • Receive, eval­u­ate, sched­ule and close war­ran­ty requests sub­mit­ted by new home owners
  • Under­stand Alpine Homes’ new home war­ran­ty and what the fir­m’s respon­si­bil­i­ties are under the warranty
  • Admin­is­ter home­own­er ori­en­ta­tion meet­ings with new home buy­ers to demon­strate the fea­tures and oper­a­tion of their new homes
  • Main­tain var­i­ous com­pa­ny reports and files relat­ed to home buy­er war­ran­ty matters
  • Ver­bal­ly and in writ­ing, com­mu­ni­cate the sta­tus of home­own­ers’ war­ran­ty sub­mis­sions in a clear, log­i­cal, patient manner
  • Help man­age our rental home portfolio

Our ide­al can­di­dates are indi­vid­u­als with some con­struc­tion trade skills or con­struc­tion qual­i­ty con­trol expe­ri­ence who are pas­sion­ate about build­ing new home communities.

We require a ratio­nal, calm per­son with superb ver­bal and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Some work expe­ri­ence in the con­struc­tion trades is help­ful. We can train an indi­vid­ual on the posi­tion’s need­ed con­struc­tion knowledge.

You will spend about 5080% of your time in the field; so, you must have a reli­able vehi­cle, a valid driver’s license and proof of auto insurance.

Our posi­tion offers a com­pet­i­tive base salary, dis­cre­tionary bonus oppor­tu­ni­ty and gas, auto and phone cash allowances. 

If you are inter­est­ed in this posi­tion, please send a cov­er let­ter and your resume to jobs@​alpinehomes.​com. In your cov­er let­ter, describe expe­ri­ence and skills relat­ed to the above bul­let points and include your salary requirements. 

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Where Alpine Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
AF Crossings American Fork mid $600s
Storrs Court American Fork Coming Soon
Ivie Meadows Clearfield Coming Soon
Mardam Ranch Herriman Coming Soon
Ridgeview Highland high $600s
Dry Creek Heights Lehi Sold Out
Songbird Cove Lindon mid $600s
Mapleton Heights Mapleton high $600s
Sunview Provo high $600s
Highgate Cove Roy mid $400s
Catalina Bay at Secret Springs Saratoga Springs high $600s
Shelly Acres Subdivision Spanish Fork Coming Soon
GT Estates Taylorsville low $700s

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